Tuesday, March 16, 2010


(Ok first things first if anything is spelled wrong my bad i do not feel like editing either my spelling or my tounge... this in mind proceed with caution!!! Boom!)I can honestly say that one thing that will quickly change my performance is when i am taken for granted. Nothing pisses me off more then when i put my heart and soul into something and my efforts are not noticed. I do not need constant babying or kudo's but a "thank you" or maybe a "good job" would be nice. I find it funny how when it comes to certain individuals they seem to want more and more but what they are giving is quite lacking. They are the first ones to get on you for something and the last ones to say good job or thank you for going above and beyond. I won't say who but i can say that that is how i feel at my job. I find it funny that the people who work with me on a daily basis (notice i said WORK with me) notice when i can handle certain situations with no problem. The higher up people on the other hand are the complete opposite... when the hosts see me taking a shit load of tables because everyone else either can't or doesn't want to instead of leaving them there i take them and they all get great service. Instead of noticing that i am helping and putting in extra effort i get yelled at before even getting asked. Not only that but i find it quite annoying that they want their money to be my priority but mine is not! I also bet that they would argue the oppisite but the proof is in the puddin and i AM NOT LIKING THE FLAVA!!!

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