Wednesday, March 24, 2010


hAVE YOU EVER HAD A WAITER TRIP AND FALL AND SPILL A TEA PITCHER OR STICKY SWEET TEA ALL OVER YOU.... Chances are you are a bitch and you just got introduced to Noxy the tea pitcher BOOM!!!

Foot in Mouth

One huge mistake i always find myself doing is speaking without thinking. I have done it since i was a child. Now if you don't matter then you don't matter and i really don't care but for the ones i love i have tried to condition myself to wait... think... and decide if it's even worth speaking about ... and then tactfully say what i have to say... noticed i said tried... Yet again i have failed and spoke out of anger to the my baby... i feel that what i had to say was valid but the way that i said it was tacky and immature almost costing me the bast thing that ever happened to me this right here is not really for you it's more like a reminder for me signed and dated so that i can keep myself in check,,, HOWEVER if you can benefit from my stupidity then by all means upgrade yourself with my wisdom lol ok be careful with my advice it might get ya ... all but tipping cause your waiter might get ya (specially if it's me you better pray it's not my last day) But for real NOTE TO ALL ESPECIALLY ME BE SLOW TO ANGER AND IF YOUR A HOT HEAD LIKE ME SHUT THE HELL UP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT THE HELL YOU HAVE TO SAY BEFORE YOU FUCKING SAY IT  realise that carefully thought out words will get you alot further than a quick angry unthought through outburst... for all you tricks waitin to get at my man ... yeah he still mine and i'm still sippin on my 40 of bud light so try somethin i dare ya i'll turn brat on that ass just jokes ... or is it ... see think b4 speaking

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Ok if you can't tell i like to bitch about things but right now i am going to list some positive things that i have

1. I have a great man, it took me almost three decades to find a man who wont rob me, hit  me, use me, put me down, try to control me or worse cheat on me. I am so grateful to have finally met him.

2. i have a good job ... i won't over embelish i'm just grateful for my job

3. my puppy ... things can get quite shitty in life and no matter what when ever i come in the door she will always be there excited to see me and welcome me home it's quite annoying but i love it at the same time

4. my new soul sista's who help me remember common sense i forgot

5. alcohol ... need i say more

6. progress... it's slight but it is there

7. Madonna, beyonce, and britney spears ... my holy trinity of diva's

8. Music - i don't have the capability to write music right now but i dream about the day i can again

9. my family

10. you

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can anyone hear me??!!!

One big thing in my life that can really set me off is how people listen. Most of the time if i am not being funny or happy it seems people really don't want to hear what i have to say. Case and point i feel those people are selfish because they are more than willing to dish out their boring dramatic shit and what do i do...??? Right i listen and act interested like a good friend should do,  it might not be that interesting ... ok just between you and me most the time its far from interesting but it's important to them and as a friend i feel its my duty to have an ear for them to talk to... but when i might have something (prolly just as boring) to get off my chest somehow the conversation somehow ends up back on them WTF ... fuck that nice shit WHAT THE FUCK???!!! How is it that i can tell you something that frustrates me and you can so easily brush it off and start talking about you... yes you are important but forget yourself just long enough to pretend to care thats all i ask... just give me a "i feel you" or "that sucks"  or  "you should beat that bitch with a brick" least let me know that you heard what the fuck i was bitching about you selfish sons of bitches...     NOW ONTO THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK THAT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY IS SO  DAMN IMPORTANT... AHEM  (let me clear my throat)               Another thing that really pisses in my eye ... are people who walk up when i am in the middle of talking and interupting and standing in between me and the person i am talking to ... realise that ONE depending on what day it is and how frustrated i am you could get slaped bitch you could get slapped ... TWO  realise that everyones wide eyes is not because what you had to say was so shocking or interesting... they are mainly appauled at your audacity... you are rude and they all want to slap ya bitch they all want to slap you...THREE  Get one thing straight your mama didn't teach you manners for fun FINALLY  if she didn't you should slap her for letting you look like a jack hole your whole damn life!


(Ok first things first if anything is spelled wrong my bad i do not feel like editing either my spelling or my tounge... this in mind proceed with caution!!! Boom!)I can honestly say that one thing that will quickly change my performance is when i am taken for granted. Nothing pisses me off more then when i put my heart and soul into something and my efforts are not noticed. I do not need constant babying or kudo's but a "thank you" or maybe a "good job" would be nice. I find it funny how when it comes to certain individuals they seem to want more and more but what they are giving is quite lacking. They are the first ones to get on you for something and the last ones to say good job or thank you for going above and beyond. I won't say who but i can say that that is how i feel at my job. I find it funny that the people who work with me on a daily basis (notice i said WORK with me) notice when i can handle certain situations with no problem. The higher up people on the other hand are the complete opposite... when the hosts see me taking a shit load of tables because everyone else either can't or doesn't want to instead of leaving them there i take them and they all get great service. Instead of noticing that i am helping and putting in extra effort i get yelled at before even getting asked. Not only that but i find it quite annoying that they want their money to be my priority but mine is not! I also bet that they would argue the oppisite but the proof is in the puddin and i AM NOT LIKING THE FLAVA!!!